Bylaws of the Quincy Country Club


Quincy Country Club

Rules & Regulations




General Rules and Guiding Principles:

  1. The Club desires to promote a high quality environment for the benefit of all members, consistent with member expectations for a traditional private country club.  With this guiding principle in mind, members are encouraged to consider the following in determining appropriate attire:  i) the event they are attending or the activity in which they are participating; and ii) the location on the Club’s property where the event or activity occurs.
  1. These dress rules apply to all persons eighteen (18) and older with the additional expectation that parents of children under the age of eighteen (18) will dress their children (and require their young adult children to dress) in a way that is consistent with these rules.
  1. Additionally, it is the responsibility of each member to inform his or her guests regarding the Club’s dress policies to ensure their compliance.

Clubhouse Dress Rules:

  1. Proper attire should be determined according to the general rules and guiding principles noted above, particularly when attending special events or occasions in the more formal areas of the Clubhouse, such as the Ballroom, Versailles Room, President’s Room, and Garden Room.
  1. For men, sport coats are required on the formal side of the Carnoustie Room on Friday and Saturday evenings.
  1. The Terrace Bar and Terrace Patio are intended for “casual dining,” but appropriate attire in these areas is still required.  Swimming suits (or cover-ups) are not permitted in the Terrace Bar or on the Terrace Patio.
  1. Denim “dress jeans” are generally permitted in all areas of the Clubhouse, except the formal side of the Carnoustie Room.  Denim attire should not be tattered or torn, and all denim “dress jeans” should be consistent with the high standards of a private country club and the Club’s objective of promoting and maintaining a high quality environment for the benefit of all members.
  1. Swimming suits (or cover-ups) are not to be worn in the Clubhouse, except in the locker room areas.
  1. Golf hats should not be worn in the Clubhouse, except in the locker room areas.

Grounds Dress Rules (Golf Course, Swimming Pool Area, and Tennis Courts):

  1. Golfers must wear proper attire at all times.  For men, this includes collared shirts with sleeves.  Bathing attire, gym shorts, tube and halter tops, mesh shirts, cutoffs, short shorts, and dress of this nature are not appropriate.  Denim jeans are not permitted on the golf course (including practice areas) at any time or during any season.  Metal spiked shoes are not permitted on the golf course or anywhere on Club property.
  1. Proper swimming attire is required to enter the pool.  Cut-off shorts are not allowed.  Persons dressed in swimming attire should restrict their presence to the pool area.  Denim jeans are not permitted in the swimming pool or in the swimming pool area.
  1. Tennis players must wear proper attire at all times.  Bathing attire, gym shorts, tube and halter tops, mesh shirts, cutoffs, short shorts, and other dress of this general nature are not appropriate.  A shirt must be worn at all times.  Denim jeans are not permitted on the tennis courts.


  1. A family membership (regular, junior, or social) entitles the immediate family, husband, wife, and all dependent children, to Club privileges (specific privileges are defined in Article II of the bylaws). To be considered a dependent, a child must:  a) be living at home or be a full-time student;  b) be under 25 years of age, and;  c) be unmarried.  Any exceptions must be handled by the Board of Directors on a case by case decision.
  1. A guest is defined as any person who is NOT a member of the Quincy Country Club.
  2. The name and residence of each guest shall be properly registered prior to or at the time the person is a guest at the Club.
  1. A nonmember (resident, suburban, or nonresident) may be registered by members as a guest of the Club not to exceed five (5) times in any one calendar year. For the purpose of applying this rule, a “time” is defined to be any time that a person, who is not a member, comes on the Club Premises. A guest shall NOT be exempt from any of the regular fees then in effect.
  1. A member in good standing may request of the Board that a Guest Pass be issued to his/her nonresident guest. This Guest Pass may be issued for a period not to exceed two (2) weeks. Such guests shall not be exempt from any regular greens, swimming, or tennis fees. The five (5) time guest rule shall not apply during the period covered by a Guest Pass, but shall not be in addition thereto.
  1. Members registering guests shall be responsible for the conduct of, and the payment of all obligations incurred by such guests.
  1. The use of the Clubhouse for special events is to be arranged with the Clubhouse Manager.
  1. All food and drink served at the Club must be purchased from the Club. Wedding cakes are excluded from this rule. If a member provides his own champagne or wine, a corkage fee per bottle will be charged.
  1. The House Committee, subject to the Directors’ approval, shall have general charge of the House and shall formulate rules governing its use.
  1. Parents are responsible for the acts of their children on Club property. Children under the age of eighteen (18) will not be allowed in the men’s or women’s locker rooms unless accompanied by a parent. Young men eighteen (18) and older may use the men’s locker room and shower room. It would be appreciated if they would use the NORTH ENTRANCE. The locker room and card room area where liquor is sold are for men twenty-one (21) and over.
  1. The Carnoustie Room cannot be reserved for private parties. Also, there will be no card playing in the Carnoustie Room, the Terrace Bar, or on the Terrace Patio.
  1. Reservations for lunch and dinner will be encouraged but are not required.  Reservations will be held for fifteen (15) minutes past the arrival time and then the tables will be reassigned. Tables in the Terrace Bar and on the Terrace Patio cannot be reserved at any time.
  1. Swimming suits (or cover-ups) are not to be worn in the Clubhouse, except in the locker room areas.
  1. The Terrace Bar and Terrace Patio are for casual dining but appropriate attire is required.  Proper attire includes shoes and excludes swimsuits and cover-ups. No one under the age of thirteen (13) is permitted in the Terrace Bar. Minors thirteen (13) through seventeen (17) years of age are permitted in the Terrace Bar before 5:00 p.m., if accompanied by an adult. Minors age eighteen (18) through twenty (20) are permitted in the Terrace Bar during all service hours, but must be accompanied by an adult.  Children ages twelve (12) and under are permitted on the Terrace Patio if accompanied by an adult. Children ages thirteen (13) and older are permitted on the Terrace Patio unaccompanied while weather permits.
  1. The Clubhouse will be closed on Mondays except when a holiday falls on that day, in which event the Club will be open on Monday and closed on Tuesday. Holiday Mondays will follow Sunday hours. The Clubhouse will be open from 10:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m., but may close early at the discretion of the manager. The Terrace Bar will remain open for members wishing to remain longer in the evening. For serving times, please refer to your monthly newsletter.
  1. An appropriate service charge (as set by the Board of Directors) and sales tax (as determined by the State of Illinois) will be added to all food and beverage charges for the convenience of the member. Please be sure to sign your ticket. This service charge is to offset the cost of operations in the food and beverage department. It does not go directly to the staff.
  1. The minimum to be spent on food and beverage is $70.00 per month. Any unused portion of the minimum will automatically be charged in full at the end of the billing cycle.
  1. Cycle billing:  Members with last names beginning with the letters A through G will be billed for the period starting with the 11th of each month and ending with the 10th of the following month. Members with last names beginning with the letters H through N will be billed for the period starting with the 21st of each month and ending with the 20th of the following month. Members with last names beginning with the letters O through Z will be billed for the period starting with the 1st of each month and ending with the last day of that same month.
  1. Minors will not be served any alcoholic beverages. Club employees are instructed by the Board not to serve a member who may have had too much to drink.
  1. No bookings for private functions may be made by any organization. Reservations must be made in the name of a member or members who must be in attendance at the function and that member or members are responsible for the bill.
  1. A reception may be held at the Club for a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter ONLY. Any exception must have Board approval.
  1. No tickets may be printed publicizing that the function will be held at the Quincy Country Club. No cash may be collected at the door.
  1. It must be understood by the member that no publicity to any news media shall be made concerning the function.
  1. In the interest of orderly procedure and discipline, members are not allowed to reprimand or issue orders to employees. Any comments or suggestions should be transmitted in writing to the Club Manager.
  1. No bicycles allowed on premises beyond the rack located at the tennis courts.



Jan. – Feb. 10:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

March 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

April 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (7:00 a.m. on weekends)

May – Sept.  7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (7:00 a.m. on weekends)

From Memorial Day to Labor Day, bag storage is open and carts are available on Mondays after 12 p.m.

Oct. 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Nov. – Dec.  9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Storage for clubs and speed carts is available.

  • Members may sign up for the range program or pay a fee each time they use the area.  If a member brings a guest to play golf, included in the greens fee charge is the use of the practice range to warm up.
  • Members are not allowed to bring guests with the sole intent to use the practice areas.
  • The Practice Range will be open when the golf course is open and carts are running. The range closes 1/2 hour before dusk.

Are determined by the Board of Directors and the fee schedule can be obtained by calling the Pro Shop (222-1052) or the business office (223-3452).

  1. NO ORGANIZED GOLF EVENT may be held on Saturday, Sunday, holidays or between Memorial Day and Labor Day without specific authorization by the Board of Directors. Requests for approval must be submitted, in writing, to the Board of Directors by a regular member prior to the outing date. The sponsoring regular member must be in attendance at and participate in the golf outing. The sponsoring regular member will be responsible for all charges incurred during such outing. Social members may not sponsor golf outings.
  2. A member sponsoring a GUEST or GUESTS must appear in person to sign in his guest(s) at the Pro Shop. Sponsored guests playing without a member must have prior approval from and check through the Pro Shop prior to teeing off.
  1. A regular member may bring up to seven (7) guests at any of the appropriate times.  However, an organization may not be represented by a group of members to accommodate a larger number of golfers. In such a case, specific authorization by the Board of Directors is necessary. A social member may play golf up to five (5) times a year and may play with up to three (3) guests during any of those rounds. A social member may not sponsor unaccompanied guests. Regular guest fees shall apply to all rounds played by social members and their guests.
  1. A guest is defined as any person who is NOT a member of the Quincy Country Club. All guests must be registered in the Pro Shop. All golfing guests are subject to the five (5) time guest rule.
  1. Golfers must wear proper attire at all times, as provided in the “Dress Policies and Rules.”
  1. Tee times may be required on Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays and during some times of high usage.

April through September (Tuesday – Sunday), the Golf Course opens at 7:30 a.m.


                        April through September (Tuesday – Sunday), the Golf Course opens at 7:30 a.m.

Men open all day open at Noon open at Noon *Open from  1-3:30 & after 5:30 open all day open all day open all day
WOMEN open all day open at Noon open at Noon open all day **Open before 10:00 open all day open all day
CHILDREN open all day open at Noon open at day *Open from 1-3:30 & after 5:30 **Open before 10:00 open all day open at 1:00

*Men and children will not be allowed to tee off before 1:00 p.m.   They may start a round after 1:00, but must not tee off on #1 or #10 between 3:30 & 5:30 p.m.  After 5:30, the course will again be open to everyone.

**Women and children will not be allowed to tee off on either No. 1 or No. 10 tee after 10:00 a.m.

(1)   JR. GOLF      (2)  WOMEN’S DAY      (3)  MEN’S DAY

*Men and children will not be allowed to tee off before 1:00 p.m.  They may start a round after 1:00, but must not tee off on #1 or #10 between 3:30 & 5:30 p.m.  After 5:30, the course will again be open to everyone.

  • •Women and children will not be allowed to tee off on either No. 1 or No. 10 tee after 10:00 a.m.
  1. All employees of the Club who are in good standing, are extended the privilege to use the golf course on Mondays (other than holidays).
  1. The GOLF PROFESSIONAL is in charge of tee times and play on the golf course.
  2. Foursomes have the right of way over fivesomes and threesomes.
  3. Players coming off No. 9 green have the right of way on No. 10 tee.
  4. Players starting on No. 10 tee must have approval from Pro Shop prior to teeing off and, if playing 18 holes, have no priority on the No. 1 tee.
  5. If a match fails to keep its place on the course and loses more than one clear hole on the players in front of them, it should allow the match following to pass.
  6. If a fivesome holds up play anywhere it should invite following players to play through.
  1. RULES FOR JUNIOR GOLFERS (seventeen (17) years of age and under):
  2. To Qualify:  Juniors fourteen (14) years of age and over must have a certified handicap to play in the Club Championships.
  3. All Juniors under fourteen (14) years of age must register at the Pro Shop and receive permission before playing.
  4. Junior golfers will at all times yield the right of way to adult players and to faster players.
  5. Junior groups of golfers shall be limited to four (4) players.
  6. Junior golfers under the age of fourteen (14) must be accompanied by an adult unless he/she has passed a written test given by our Golf Professional.
  1.   Carts are allowed on the golf course at the discretion of the Grounds Superintendent, or in his absence, the Golf Professional.
  2. Under certain conditions the course may be closed completely, to all play, by either the Grounds Superintendent or the Golf Professional.
  3. Member-owned golf carts are not permitted on the golf course or premises except that they may be used by members who live adjacent to the Club to travel between the Clubhouse and their homes.
  4. A minor must have a valid driver’s license in order to lease and operate a golf cart.
  1. No member’s children may be employed as caddies at Quincy Country Club, except by their parents or unless approved by the Golf Professional.
  1. Snowmobiles are not permitted on the Club grounds. No exceptions.  Snow skiing may be allowed provided the Grounds Superintendent has granted permission. There will be absolutely no skiing on the greens and tees.
  1. Only Soft Spikes are permitted; please advise your guests.



  1. The pool will open daily, weather permitting, from 10:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Memorial Day weekend through  Labor Day.
  1. Adult lap swim is from If there are no adults present, 10:00 – 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. daily. the area will be open to all swimmers.
  1. A Lifeguard may suspend swimming during periods of heavy rain or when thunderstorms are in the area. The minimum waiting period is fifteen (15) minutes for thunder and lightning.
  1. All members must register themselves and their guests daily upon entering the pool area.
  1. A guest fee is charged for the use of the swimming pool. Guests are limited to five (5) visits per year, regardless of which member brings them.
  1. Babysitters for children under twelve (12) shall not be considered guests when present in lieu of a parent, and they will not be subject to guest fees. The Pool Manager shall be informed if a babysitter will be used on a routine basis.
  1. Proper swimming attire is required, as provided in the “Dress Policies and Rules.”
  1. Persons in pool attire must restrict their presence to the pool area.
  1. No one who is ill, has recently been injured, or has an open sore or skin disease may go in the pool.
  1. Patio furniture and sun chairs are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  1. Parents shall be fully responsible for their children at all times.
  1. Lifeguards are responsible Parents or guardians for enforcing safety rules and responding to emergencies. should supervise their children.
  1. The authority of the Lifeguards on any matter pertaining to swimming or the enforcement of rules is final.
  1. Please do not reprimand any employee. Any complaints of any type must be made to the Pool Manager, Pool Chairman, or Club Manager.
  1. All accidents and diaper problems (no matter how minor) must be reported to the Lifeguard on duty or Pool Manager.
  1. Children The wearing diapers are required to wear swim diapers when they are in the pool. Cabana has swim diapers available for purchase.
  1. All arrangements for private swimming parties should be scheduled with the Club Manager. The Club Manager should be given the number of guests so appropriate lifeguard coverage can be scheduled. Generally, the pool will not be closed for private parties unless authorized by the Club Manager for exceptional There is an extra fee for any party held after regular pool circumstances. hours.
  1. The telephone is available primarily for emergency use. Phone calls by members and Lifeguards will not answer the guests should be brief and kept to a minimum. phone.
  1. Glass containers of any type are not permitted in the pool area.
  1. All users of the pool area must deposit their trash in the receptacles provided for this purpose.
  1. Employees ONLY are permitted in the lifeguard office or storage rooms.
  1. The pool may be closed at the discretion of the Pool Manager or Lifeguard during   inclement weather that is forecasted to last the entire day.
  1. All children under ten (10) must be supervised by a competent person (sixteen (16) years or older) at all times.
  1. Children ten (10) through twelve (12) may swim unaccompanied by an adult provided they have passed the Lifeguard’s Swimming Test. An emergency phone number must be provided to the Pool Manager or Lifeguard on duty.
  1. During adult lap swim, swimming is not permitted in any lap lane by children seventeen (17) or under without permission from the Pool Manager or Swim Coach.
  1. Deep water privileges will be extended to those who pass the Swimming Competency


  • Swim one length (25 yards) of the pool without stopping or standing
  • Tread water for one (1) minute in the diving well
  1. Running, rough play, and personal conduct endangering safety of self and others are prohibited.
  1. No dunking or hanging on the pool shot (Basketball hoop).
  1. Splashing and spraying others with the fountains will not be allowed.
  1. No more than Wait one person is allowed on the diving board or water slide at any time. until the swimmer is out of the way before you go off.
  1. Jumping from any lifeguard stand is prohibited.
  1. Anyone caught vandalizing the pool or bathhouse will be suspended from pool privileges for the remainder of the season.
  1. The Lifeguards and Pool Manager are in complete charge of the pool area and have the authority to ask anyone to leave the pool if that person disobeys the safety rules or if his or her conduct is detrimental to the common pleasure of the other members enjoying the area.
  1. The Lifeguards and Pool Manager have the right to deny the use of the pool to anyone who repeatedly violates the rules.
  1. Drinks and food are allowed by the pool including the fenced-in area (paper or plastic Please throw your trash away. only, no glassware).
  1. The following toys are not allowed in or around the pool area without permission from the Pool Manager:
  • Oversized floats
  • Water guns and super soakers
  • Bicycles and scooters (should be locked up by tennis courts)
  1. The pool Avoid swallowing pool water. water is not suitable for drinking.
  1. Personal conduct within the pool area must be such that the safety of self and others is No running or boisterous or rough play is permitted. not jeopardized.
  1. Diving in water less than five (5) feet deep is not permitted except when allowed for competitive swimming and training under the direct supervision of the Swim Coach or Pool Manager.
  1. The therapy Children seventeen (17) and under may use it at the seat area is for adults. Lifeguard’s discretion.
  1. No one may sit or play on the flat fountain area or the therapy seat wall.
  1. The wading area is mainly for babies and very small children. No running in this area, please.


  1. Members must sign a guest ticket each time guests are brought to the Club to play

tennis.  Guest tickets are kept at the stand located outside the tennis courts.  A GUEST is defined as any person who is NOT a member of the Quincy Country Club.  If seen in the presence of a member or dependent, the member’s account will be charged the appropriate fee or fees.

  1. The annual five (5) time limitation for use of Club facilities by nonmembers applies to the tennis courts.
  1. Junior players, under age eighteen (18), must immediately relinquish tennis courts to adult members during the following times:
  • 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. and after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
  • Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays.
  • Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
  1. The juniors must relinquish the courts with no “racketing” or waiting period. The only exception to the above rule would be previously scheduled and announced events run by the Club and authorized by the Tennis Chairman.
  1. Women players will defer to men during the 12 noon to 1:30 p.m. period during weekdays.
  1. It is suggested that doubles will take preference over singles on busy days.
  1. There will be no roller skating, cycling, scooters, or other non-tennis activities allowed on the courts.
  1. A court may be occupied for a one-hour period and must be relinquished after this time when another waiting member is waiting. A member must be present to racket a court and members need not surrender the court after one hour unless there are other players waiting.
  1. Parents will be held responsible for the acts of their children on Club property.
  1. Tennis players must wear proper attire at all times, as provided in the “Dress Policies and Rules.”



(Revised May 2012)

ARTICLE I – General Purposes.

  1. The name of this corporation is “The Quincy Country Club” and it is incorporated under the Statutes of the State of Illinois relating to corporations “not for pecuniary profit.” It is hereinafter referred to as the “CLUB.”
  1. The object for which the CLUB is formed is as set forth in its Certificate of Incorporation—”for the social enjoyment of its members and for the promotion of golf and other outdoor sports.” It shall have no shares of stock or stockholders; none of its net income shall inure in whole or in part to the benefit of any individual, nor shall any part of its activities attempt to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise.
  1. The title to all property of every kind and character belonging to the CLUB shall be vested in the CLUB and its corporate capacity and no member shall have any right, title or interest therein except that in case of dissolution the property remaining after payment of debts shall be distributed pro rata among the regular members in good standing.

ARTICLE II – Membership

  1. That membership of the CLUB shall consist of the following classes:
  2. Regular (Certificate holder)
  3. Junior
  4. Social
  5. Junior Social
  6. Senior
  7. Nonresident
  8. Honorary
  1. Regular membership shall be limited to three hundred (300) in number and may be held only by person’s age forty (40) or over, except that the Board of Directors may extend an offer of regular membership to persons of age thirty (30) and over at such times as the junior membership is at its maximum membership. All regular members shall be holders of membership certificates as hereinafter provided. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a regular member age 34 through 39 as of May 11, 2010, shall remain a regular member unless such member is eligible by age on or after January 1 ,2011, and elects, to become a junior member by written notice to the Board of Directors, in which case such member shall surrender his membership certificate and the member shall be refunded his Five hundred Dollars ($500.00), when such certificate is transferred to a new regular member.
  1. A regular membership held by a single person shall entitle only such person to the privileges of the CLUB and upon becoming married, the membership shall be considered for all purposes as a regular family membership and dues shall be charged accordingly.
  1. A regular family membership held by the head of a family shall entitle immediate family who reside with him or her to the privileges of the CLUB. “Immediate family” is defined as wife or husband, and unmarried children of either who are under the age of 25 years and who reside with the certificate head of family. No other person shall be considered immediate family without the written approval of the Board of Directors which approval shall be for no longer term than the balance of the calendar year in which such approval is granted. Such approval may be renewed annually.
  1. The right to vote shall be limited to regular members. Single members shall have one vote and regular family memberships which include a husband and wife shall have two votes, one vote for each.
  1. Junior single memberships shall be held only by a single person who is under the age of forty (40) years at the time of admission and who may continue as such junior single member until said person attains the age of forty (40) years, except as provided in paragraph 2 of this Article II. Upon attaining such age, the member shall automatically be considered for regular single membership in the regular manner as prescribed herein and will be given preferential treatment for membership according to the rules of membership then in effect. Maximum number of members in this category may be set by the Board of Directors from time to time.
  1. Junior family memberships shall be held by heads of families who are under the age of forty (40) years at the time of admission and who may continue only as such junior family members until the head of the family attains the age of forty (40) years, except as provided in paragraph 2 of this Article II. Upon attaining such age, the member shall automatically be considered and will be given preferential treatment for membership according to the rules of membership then in effect. The immediate family, as defined in paragraph 4 above, of such junior family members shall be entitled to CLUB privileges. Maximum number of members in this category may be set by the Board of Directors from time to time.
  1. (a) A social membership shall be held either by a single person or by the head of a family, in either case who is age forty (40) or over, and his or her immediate family, as defined in paragraph 4 above. A social member, whether a single or a family shall be entitled to all of the privileges of the CLUB, except that a social member shall have no right or privilege to play or use the golf course or related golf practice facilities. A social membership held by a single person shall entitle only such person to the privileges of a social membership and upon becoming married, the membership shall be considered for all purposes as a family social membership and dues shall be charged accordingly. A social membership shall be non-equity and a social member shall have no right to vote. The maximum number of social members in this category, single and family, may be set by the Board of Directors from time to time. A social member may not apply for, or hold concurrently with a social membership, any other membership for the benefit of dependents in the household. For example, a social member’s dependent child may not apply for or become a junior member.

(b)        A junior social membership shall be held either by a single person or by the head of family, in either case who is under age forty (40), and his or her immediate family, as defined in paragraph 4 above. Such member may continue as a junior social member until said person attains the age of forty (40) years. Upon attaining such age, the member shall automatically become a social member defined in paragraph 8 (a) above.  A junior social member, whether a single or family, shall be entitled to all privileges of the LCUB, except that a junior social member shall have no right or privilege to play or use the golf course or related golf practice facilities. A junior social membership held by a single person shall entitle only such person to the privileges of a junior social membership, and upon becoming married, the membership shall be considered for all purposes as a family junior social membership and dues shall be charged accordingly. A junior social membership shall be non-equity and a junior social member shall have no right to vote. The maximum number of junior social members in this category, single and family, may be set by the Board of Directors from time to time. A junior social member may not apply for, or hold concurrently with a junior social membership, any other membership for the benefit of dependents in the household. For example, a junior social member’s dependent child may not apply for or become a junior member.

  1. A senior single membership shall be held only by a single person who has had the full privileges of a regular membership for at least ten (10) years (not necessarily consecutive) preceding the date of application, who was seventy (70) years of age or older by, and who made application for such membership on or before January 1, 2005. The maximum number of members in this category may be set by the Board of Directors from time to time. Any member holding “social single” status prior to January 1, 1988 shall be considered eligible for “social single” status even though not of age 70, as well as member “social single” applicants on the Club’s waiting list for that category as of January 1, 1988. Any member holding single social status prior to January 1, 2003 shall automatically be a senior single after January 1, 2003, this being a change in nomenclature only.
  1. A senior family membership shall have the same age and previous membership requirements as a senior single membership. A senior family membership shall entitle the holder and spouse to the privileges of the CLUB. Family privileges of regular memberships shall not apply to senior family memberships. The maximum number of members in this category may be set by the Board of Directors from time to time. All members holding social family membership as of January 1, 2003 shall automatically be senior family membership after January 1, 2003, this being a change in nomenclature only.
  1. A nonresident membership shall be held by a single or married individual who maintains no permanent residence or business in the Quincy area; the Quincy area, as determined by the Board, constitutes a fifty (50) mile radius of Quincy. A continued stay in the Quincy area of thirty (30) days or more would disqualify the member from the nonresident category. Membership of the nonresident will be nonvoting.
  1. Honorary memberships, both family and single, may be awarded from time to time by the Board of Directors. Honorary memberships carry no dues, assessments, or minimum. The number of honorary memberships at any one time outstanding shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
  1. Any certificate of membership issued may be transferred one time without charge between spouses in the event of death, permanent disability, divorce, or marriage but only with the approval of the Board of Directors.
  1. In the event of dissolution of marriage between Club members, an additional certificate may be issued to the non-certificate holding spouse upon payment of 50% of the then applicable initiation fee. Such issuance is subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and the request for same must be made within ninety (90) days of the entry of the judgment of dissolution. If the dissolution involves a legacy/non- legacy marriage, the fee shall be applicable to the non-legacy spouse.
  1. Any member, who moves from the Quincy area, resigns from the CLUB and reapplies for membership within three (3) years may be readmitted to membership without payment of initiation fee upon, but subject to, the approval of the Board of Directors.
  1. The Board of Directors may waive initiation fee on any applicant for membership who has previously been a member of the CLUB for at least ten (10) consecutive years.
  1. The Board of Directors may reinstate a member who has resigned either upon payment by the member of dues, minimums, and assessments equal to what would have been paid had no such resignation taken place or without the member having to pay such dues, minimums, and assessments following a period of not less than one (1) year after such member’s resignation.
  1. Upon written request to, and with the approval of the Board of Directors, a regular member may become a social member or a social member may become a regular member. Once a regular member becomes a social member he must remain a social member for a period of twelve (12) months before such member can again request a change in membership classification. Nevertheless, should such social member desire to become a regular member again within such twelve (12) month period, then, upon board approval, such member may again become a regular member upon paying the difference in back dues and assessments as if that member had never become a social member. Any social member who becomes a regular member, with the approval of the Board of Directors, must pay the difference between the initiation fee that member paid when he became a social member and the then current regular membership initiation fee.
  1. Upon written request to, and with the approval of the Board of Directors, a junior member may become a junior social member or a junior social member may become a junior member. Once a junior member becomes a junior social member, he must remain a junior social member for a period of twelve (12) months before such member can again request a change in membership classification. Nevertheless, should such junior social member desire a to become a junior member again within such twelve (12) month period, then, upon board approval, such member may again become a junior member upon paying the difference in back dues and assessments as of that member had never became a junior social member. Any junior social member who becomes a junior member, with the approval of the Board of Directors, must pay the difference between the initiation fee that member paid when he became a junior social member and the then current junior membership initiation fee.

ARTICLE III – Assessments.

  1. By a majority vote the Board of Directors may assess any membership category except honorary membership, as the Board may determine.
  1. By majority vote at any regular or special meeting of the membership, an assessment may be levied against any member in such amount and payable at such times as may be provided therein, provided that notice of intention to introduce such resolution has been given with notice of such meeting.

ARTICLE IV – Manner of Election – Dues.

  1. All applications for membership in any class shall be on forms provided by the CLUB and must be signed and completed by the applicant and also signed by two certificate holding members (Directors

excluded) of the CLUB. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a social member may sign a prospect’s application for social membership or junior social membership. Such applications shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Membership Committee for Board consideration. After Board consideration, the Board may vote to post such application on the bulletin board of the CLUB and after the same has been posted for a minimum of ten (10) days, the applicant may be admitted as the Board determines. The Board, in considering applications, need not consider the same in the order in which they were received. If two (2) or more members present at the Board meeting shall fail to vote in favor of the approval of the applicant, such application shall be rejected.

  1. Applications for membership by sons and daughters of members of the CLUB shall take priority over other applications in the same membership class, but shall continue to be approved by the Board for membership as with other applicants.
  1. The annual dues for the respective classes of membership shall be set by the Board of Directors.
  2. Such annual dues shall be due and payable on January 1st of each year or may be paid in quarterly installments with one such installment coming due on the first day of each calendar quarter of the year (January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st). New members shall pay that portion of the annual dues which the number of unexpired months in the year shall bear to twelve (12) months and the month during which his application is accepted shall be counted as a full unexpired month.
  1. For the period of time that any member is on active military duty, providing such period extends for a calendar quarter or more, the dues of such serviceman shall be reduced by fifty (50) percent.
  1. Each applicant for a regular membership, junior membership, social membership, or junior social membership shall pay an initiation fee when his application is accepted. Such fee shall be set by the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE V – Membership Certificates and Accounts.

  1. Regular members shall purchase membership certificates in such form as provided by the CLUB and the number of membership certificates outstanding at any one time shall be limited to three hundred (300). The Board of Directors may at any time hereafter increase the cost to such membership but the same shall not be less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Any regular member, whose membership is terminated for any reason whatsoever (including status change from regular member to social member under Article II, paragraph 18), shall surrender such certificate to the CLUB and the member shall be refunded his Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), when such certificate is transferred to a new regular member. Each junior member shall pay Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) upon acceptance and Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00), plus Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) transfer fee, upon becoming a regular member. Junior members are not certificate holders, and payment of the initial fee creates no right, title, or interest in a membership certificate.
  1. The membership rights and privileges of any member shall terminate automatically upon the termination of such membership and the certificate, if any, of such member shall be returned to the CLUB forthwith for cancellation. The redemption value of such certificate, less any indebtedness owed to the CLUB, shall be paid in due course to such former member or to his legal representative, as the case may be.
  1. The membership certificate shall not be transferrable or assignable except as provided in Article II, Section 13.
  1. Accounts of members shall be due and payable upon billing and names of all members whose accounts, dues or assessments are more than thirty (30) days in arrears may be posted unless good cause shown. No member shall be allowed credit while posted for nonpayment of account. A member shall be responsible for all charges made by those using the membership issued to him/her. Any member who shall fail to pay his account to the CLUB after posting shall stand suspended and shall not be entitled to the rights or privileges of membership until such arrearages are paid in full. If the member shall fail to pay such arrearages after twenty (20) days written notice of such suspension, he may be expelled from membership in the CLUB by the Board of Directors.
  1. Resignations from members shall be effective upon approval by the Board of Directors and dues shall not be charged for any calendar quarter after the acceptance of such resignation. A member who resigns his or her membership after June 30 in any year shall be responsible to pay a pro rata share of any and all assessments approved by the Board or membership for such year. The share shall cover all months prior to, and including, the month in which the Board accepts the resignation. Any change of age or marital status of any member of the CLUB shall automatically be reflected in the privileges incidental to such new position and shall automatically cause a corresponding change in the type of dues, assessments, etc., attributable thereto, but the effective date of such change in dues, assessment, etc., shall be as of the first day of the first calendar quarter following the change.

ARTICLE VI – Meetings, Directors, Officers.

  1. The annual meeting of the Regular Membership shall be held at the Clubhouse, or at any other place in the City of Quincy selected by the Directors, on a date to be fixed by them between November 1st and March 1st.
  1. The President may call a special meeting of the Regular Membership of the CLUB at any time he may deem advisable; and it shall be his duty to call such special meeting whenever requested in writing by ten (10) percent of the regular members. Notice of the time and place of any special meeting, stating the object thereof shall be mailed to each regular member three (3) days in advance.
  1. Twenty-five (25) regular voting members shall constitute a quorum of any regular or special meeting of the CLUB.
  1. The management of the CLUB shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of nine (9) certificate holding members. Three (3) Directors shall be elected for a term of three (3) years at each annual meeting. Each Director so elected shall serve until his successor is elected and qualified. No Director shall serve more than three (3) consecutive years. The Board of Directors may fill any interim vacancy by majority vote and the person so elected shall serve until the next annual meeting at which time the balance of the unexpired term shall be filled by action of the membership. The election of the members of the Board of Directors shall be at the annual meeting of the membership at which a quorum is present and shall be in such manner as determined by the President. A majority of votes shall be required for each candidate.
  1. The Board of Directors shall organize within ten (10) days after the election by the membership and shall elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The election of the President shall be presided over by the Past President, or in his absence, another Director selected by the Board. The election of the remaining officers shall be presided over by the newly elected President. The Board of Directors shall meet thereafter at the call of the President or Vice President, or at the call of a quorum of the Board of Directors. A majority of the voting members of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In addition to the elected members of the Board, the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer if not Directors, shall be automatically members of the Board with voting rights; the retiring President, if not a Director, shall be an ex officio member of the Board for one year following his retirement. The Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the elected members of the Board and may be removed from office at any time by a majority vote of the elected members of the Board.
  1. The Board of Directors shall control and manage the affairs of the CLUB, the appropriations of its funds, and make all contracts, shall have the right to borrow money to authorize the note of the CLUB therefore and may, with the consent of the corporation expressed by a vote of a majority of the regular members present at any regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, pledge the CLUB real property as security for any indebtedness. The President, with the approval and consent of the Directors, may appoint from their number, or from the members of the CLUB, a House Committee and such other committees as occasion requires. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to prescribe and publish rules regulating the use and occupancy of the CLUB buildings and grounds, the care and protection of its property, and to define the powers and duties devolving upon the committees aforesaid.
  2. The Board of Directors shall have the power to suspend or expel members by a two-thirds (2/3) ballot, for any conduct which they deem improper or prejudicial to the interests of the CLUB, and for the use of the CLUB property; to fix and enforce penalties for the violation of the Bylaws and Rules; to prescribe rules for the admission of strangers or guests; to call special meetings of the CLUB to consider specific objects; to make, alter and amend the rules for their own government.
  1. All contracts authorized by the Board of Directors shall be executed by the President or such other individuals as authorized by the Board of Directors.
  1. The Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors and shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. They shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and Vice President shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive years. The Treasurer and Secretary shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.
  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Board of Directors and shall have the general responsibility incidental to those held by Presidents of similar organizations; the Vice President shall have such duties and obligations as may be directed by the Board and shall fulfill those obligations of the President during the President’s absence or incapacity; the Secretary shall keep minutes of meetings of the Membership and of the Board of Directors and shall have such other responsibilities as may be directed by the Board; the Treasurer shall be responsible for financial reports to the Board and for budgeting the income and expenses of the CLUB and shall have such other duties concerning investments and finances as may be directed by the Board from time to time.

ARTICLE VII – Amendments

  1. The Certificate of Incorporation of this corporation, also designated as “Articles of Association” may be amended by a three- fourths (3/4) vote of the entire membership of the Board at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors, at a special meeting called for that purpose or at any meeting at which the entire membership of the Board is present. Upon the adoption of such amendment the President shall without delay prepare and sign a certificate thereof duly verified under his oath and under the seal of the corporation and file same in the Office of the Secretary of State and when certificate thereof is received from the Secretary of State, record same in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in Adams County, Illinois.
  1. All prior Bylaws are hereby repealed. The Bylaws of the corporation may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors at any regular meeting or at any special meeting called for that particular purpose, except as hereinafter provided; provided, however, that such proposed amendments must be posted on the bulletin board at the Clubhouse at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting and further that a copy of such proposed amendments be mailed to each member of the Board entitled to vote and, finally provided, that such Bylaw amendments do not change or amend the rights, privileges and provisions as set forth in membership certificates. Any Bylaw amending or changing the rights, privileges and provisions of membership certificates must be approved by resolution or three-fourths (3/4) vote of the voting members present at any regular or special meeting of the membership called for such purpose, provided that ten (10) days notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting has been sent by mail to each certificate holder.


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