Dress Policies and Rules

General Rules and Guiding Principles:

  1. The Club desires to promote a high quality environment for the benefit of all members, consistent with member expectations for a traditional private country club. With this guiding principle in mind, members are encouraged to consider the following in determining appropriate attire: I) the event they are attending or the activity in which they are participating; and ii) the location on the Club’s property where the event or activity occurs.
  2. These dress rules apply to all persons eighteen (18) and older with the additional exectation that parents of children under the age eighteen (18) will dress their children (and require their young adult children to dress) in a way that is consistent with these rules.
  3. additionally, it is the responsibility of each  member to inform his or her guests regarding the Club’s dress policies to ensure their compliance.


Clubhouse Dress Rules:

  1. Proper attire should be determined according to the general rules and guiding principles noted above, particularly when attending special events or occasions in the more formal areas of the Clubhouse, such as the Ballroom, Versailles Room, President’s Room and Garden Room.
  2. For men, sport coats are required on the formal side of the Carnoustie Room on Friday and Saturday evenings.
  3. The Terrace Bar and Terrace Patio are intended for “casual dining,” but appropriate attire in these areas is still required. Swimming suite (or cover-ups) are not permitted in the Terrace Bar or on the Terrace Patio.
  4. Denim “dress jeans” are generally permitted in all areas of the Clubhouse, except the formal side of the Carnoustie Room. Denim attire should not be tattered or torn, and all denim “dress jeans” should be consistent with the high standards of a private country club and the Club’s objective of promoting and maintaining a high quality environment for the benefit of all members.
  5. Swimming suite (or cover-ups) are not to be worn in the Clubhouse, except in locker room areas.
  6. Golf hats should not be worn in the Clubhouse, except in the locker room areas.


Grounds Dress Rules (Golf Course, Swimming Pool Area and Tennis Courts)

  1. Golfers must wear proper attire at all times. For men, this includes collared shirts with sleeves. Bathing attire, gym shorts, tube and halter tops, mesh shirts, cutoffs, short shorts, and dress of this nature are not appropriate. Denim Jeans are not permitted on the golf course (including practice areas) at any time or during any season. Metal Spiked shoes are not permitted on the golf course or anywhere on Club property.
  2. Proper swimming attire is required to enter the pool. Cut-off shorts are not allowed. Persons dressed in swimming attire should restrict their presence to the pool area. Denim Jeans are not permitted in pool or in the swimming pool areas.
  3. Tennis players must wear proper attire at all times. Bathing attire, gym shorts, tube and halter tops, mesh shirts, cutoffs, short shorts, and other dress of this general nature are not appropriate. A shirt must be worn at all times. Denim Jeans are not permitted on the tennis courts.
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